植物相からみた日本の中期更新世 (中期更新生,その時代と環境--東海・伊勢湾周辺地域を例として)
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Stratigraphic changes of fossil assemblages of macroscopic plant fragments and pollen during the middle Pleistocene in Southwest Japan are briefly enumerated as follows.1. Most of relict elements of the Pliocene flora as Metasequoia, Glyptostrobus, Juglans megacinerea, Liquidambar etc. already disappeared during the early Pleistocene. But some species as Cunninghamia lanceolata, Picea koribai, Ilex cornuta and Paliurus nipponicus still remained, and they disappeared during the middle Pleistocene.2. There is a large possibility that Liquidambar revived temporally its distribution in the southern coastal region of Southwest Japan during an interglacial age in the middle Pleistocene.3. Such northern elements as Larix gmelini, Abies veitchii, Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis, Oxycoccus palustris etc. have their first appearance during a glacial age in the middle Pleistocene.4. The specialization of Larix leptolepis, one of the endemic species of Japan, may have occurred during the middle Pleistocene in age. And its ancestral species may be L. gmelini inferring from their present ecological and phytogeographical relations.
- 日本第四紀学会の論文
- 582 溶岩流荷重によって発生した砕屑物ダイアピル : 佐賀県鎮西町岸本採石場における松浦玄武岩/鎮西層境界の変形
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- 139. 中国甘粛省霊台県の鮮新統雷家河層の哺乳類動物相と古環境
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- 植物相からみた日本の中期更新世 (中期更新生,その時代と環境--東海・伊勢湾周辺地域を例として)
- 辻・南木・小池論文に対する論評 (日本考古学と第四紀研究) -- (縄文時代以降の植生変化と農耕--村田川流域を例として)