- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to clarify the distribution and migration of red sea bream in the waters of southern part of the Kii Strait, 994 tagged fish about 150-750mm in fork length, caught by line boats, were released in the Shirahama coastal waters in 1981. Many tagged fish were recaptured durning the 1st year just after liberation, but after that ercaptures decreased suddenly. 177 of them were recaptured by the end of May, 1983, and the rate of total recapture was about 18%. About90% of the total recapture were made in the waters between Hinomisaki and Ichiesaki which is located near the liberation points. The rest 10% were recaptured at other fishing grounds, wandered out of the above mentioned area. Analysing these recapture data, the red sea bream subpopulation in the waters of the southern part of Wakayama Prefecture, ajacent to the Kii Strait, was confirmed, And it was clarified that the effective period of the Atokins disk tag used seems to be about 1-year, and that these recovery data, which have few miss reports of recapture, are available for the estimation of exploitation rate, and so on.
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