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In previous research, using the forced moored sphere as the most basic type of the floating fisheries banks, a non-linear forced vibration equation was deduced and an approximate solution was obtained. The added masses of circular pipes and porous objects were also determined previously. In the present study, the mooring forces of these objects in water waves was analyzed in order to determine whether or not the solution of the equation for forced moored spheres could by applied to these objects. It was difficult to make these models buoyant, but by attaching a long rubber tubo to the upper side their buoyancy was improoved. Inertia coefficient (Cm) was necessary to calculate the wave force on these objects. New conception about the inertia coefficient (Cm) for porous objects was suggested. The drag coefficient (Cd) for these objects was also determined. The results calculated by applying the previously obtained solution for forced moored spheres to these objects were in good agreement with the experimental values.
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