On the locus of <I>bobbed</I> gene in the Y chromosome of <I>Drosophila virilis</I>.
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A mutual translocation involving the Y and the second chromosomes was obtained by X-ray irradiation. The breakage of the second chromosome lies between the loci of the <I>broken</I> and <I>brick</I> and that of the Y chromosome is close to its distal end (Fig. 1). Both female and male individuals having the translocated chromosome IIp + Yd in extra are viable (Table 1 and 2). When such a fly carries the <I>bobbed</I> gene on the X chromosome, it shows an intermediate phenotype between the wild and <I>bobbed</I> (Fig. 6b). This is apparently due to the fact that the dominance of the wild allel of <I>bobbed</I> is reduced if the gene is contained in a translocated piece of the Y chromosome. Since the proximal halves of all the autosomes of <I>D. virilis</I>, except the sixth chromosome, are known to be made up of inert material, the extra chromosome seems to consist of a large part formed by the inert region of the second chromosome and a very small part formed by the Y chromosome. It is, therefore, concluded that the wild-type allel of <I>bobbed</I> is located close to the distal end of the Y chromosome.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
日本遺伝学会 | 論文
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