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PURRPOSE : The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between perceived goal orientations and generalized-self-efficacy (GSE) among Japanese collegiate ice hockey players.METHODS : Two hundred and sixty-one male ice hockey players of the Eastern University League responded to a questionnaire during their athletic season. The survey included questions regarding the goal orientations in sport (task orientation and ego orientation) , perceived GSE, and years of ice hockey experience. The participants were divided into four groups based on the median of years of ice hockey experience and goal orientation scores. ANOVA (years of experience × goal orientation) was conducted to examine whether the goal orientations were related to GSE in each of the groups.RESULTS : In the longer experience group, ANOVA revealed that the higher-task -orientation group scored significantly higher GSE than the lower-task-orientation group. In contrast, there were no significant differences of GSE between the higher-ego-orientation group and the lower-ego-orientation group. Similar findings were observed in the shorter experience group.CONCLUSIONS : These results demonstrated that perception of task orientation in sport may be associated with GSE. However, this study only examined the relationship between the goal orientations and GSE. Thus, for future research, a longitudinal study focusing on actual behavior/experience in sport and daily life would be needed for confirming the relationships found in this study.
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