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The demonstration program, one of the sports events of the National Sports Festival, has been held by the municipalities of the hosting prefectures every year for the residents. In this program there have been many kinds of new sports events, such as Ground Golf, Indiaca, Petanque, and others. We focused on these programs, explaining the existence of sports legacies of the National Sports Festival and clarifying the types of these legacies. In order to do so, we investigated the changes that have taken place before and after in the activities of the new sports in almost all the demonstration programs which were held from 1996 to 2005. As a result, it became clear that sports legacies continue to exist in the hosting municipalities (22.1%) , and that those legacies can be classified generally into the following 4 types. a) Municipalities where the new sports’ activities were started by holding demonstration programs (9 cases) .b) Municipalities where the new sports’ activities were started by holding demonstration programs and new associations or groups of the new sports were organized after holding the demonstration programs (8 cases) .c) Municipalities where activities related to the new sports already existed and after holding the demonstration program some associations or groups of the new sports were integrated or readjusted (10 cases) .d) Municipalities which started to hold new sports events after holding the demonstration program (11 cases) .
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