- 論文の詳細を見る
Sustained rhythmic oscillations of electrochemical potential occur spontaneously across a fine-pore membrane doped with glycerol-α-monooleate (monoolein), sorbitan monooleate (Span 80) or glycerol trioleate (triolein), separating equimolar solutions of KCl and NaCl : these oscillations occur in the absence of any external stimulus such as voltage, an electrical current, a hydrostatic pressure, or osmotic pressure. As an extention of these phenomena, spontaneous firing was found in a Langmuir-Blodgett film (L-B film) of dioleoyllecithin (DOPC) deposited onto a porous membrane. By comparing temperature dependences of liquid film of triolein and LB film of DOPC, a plan was suggested a construction of molecular assemblies to obtain desired oscillation patterns and pattern stabilities. Furthermore, electrical properties of these membranes (triolein, monoolein and L-B film of DOPC) were discussed by measuring current controlled voltage characteristics. The membrane was found to exhibit the properties of switching and differential negative resistance. In this presentation, the speaker insisted that electrical oscillation should be explained by phase transition and that phases should be defined by electrical resistances.
- 日本膜学会の論文
- LB法によるステアリン酸マンガン2次元磁性薄膜の作製と評価
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- 化学放浪記
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- 非線形粘弾性体としての脂質単分子膜 (高機能両親媒性化合物の合成とその高次構造) -- (単分子膜およびLB膜)
- 現代に活きる墨流し
- 単分子膜研究に用いられる墨流し技法 (薄膜の形成と構造) -- (LB膜)
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- 興奮性人工膜
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