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The damping efficiency of a particle damper with hollow steel particles in a nonlinear vibrating system is investigated experimentally and analytically. The apparent of density of the hollow steel particle is almost the same as the plastics, but the melting point of the hollow steel particle higher than that of plastics. Therefore, it is expected that particle damping with hollow steel particles can perform at elevated temperatures where plastic particle damping cannot. The experimental study shows that significant damping can be achieved through used of hollow particle damping as well as plastic particle one. An analytical solution based on the discrete element method (DEM) is presented. DEM tracks the motion of granules based upon the direct numerical simulation integration of Newtons equations. Comparison between the experimental and analytical results shows that accurate estimates of the rms response of a primary system can be obtained. The height of granular materials and the clearance ratio were calculated by the gravity method. It is shown that the response of the primary system is independent of the area of the damper cavity in the case of that the mass ratio and the clearance ratio are the same.
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