- 論文の詳細を見る
Nuclear fuel assembly is installed in the cask with the necessary protective function during fuel transportation. The structural integrity of the fuel rods which constitute fuel assembly has to be evaluated to ensure the safety even for the cask drop accident. However, the experiments of irradiated fuel rods accompany many of difficulties and the available experimental data is limited. Hence, the numerical simulation is useful method to predict and evaluate the dynamic response of the fuel rods. Generally, the mechanical properties of the fuel pellets have been assumed by a certain value in the numerical simulations, since no available data has published. However, the mechanical properties of the fuel pellets, such as yield strength and ultimate strength, will vary during service in nuclear reactor. Therefore, this paper investigates the influence of strength of fuel pellets on the dynamic behavior of fuel rods by using finite element simulation. Further, the influence of diametrical gap between cladding tube and fuel pellets is considered. It is found that the influence of the pellet strength showed a little influence on the stress propagation. However, the deformation progress of the fuel pellets were significantly different and it is expected that the location of failure initiation of the cladding tube will change depending on the pellet strength. It is shown further that the diametrical gap between cladding tube and fuel pellets may cause large difference in the buckling shape of the fuel rod.
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