- 論文の詳細を見る
The number of institutions for vocational rehabilitation of the tuberculosis convalescents in Japan have reached to 33 in 1964. Some of these institutions, however, have been suffering from the low occupancy rate, and 3 of these institutions were closed in 1965. As the prevalence of tuberculosis cases are still high among low iocome group at present in Japan, these institutions aiming at the rehabilitation of tuberculosis convalescents among cases with bad social background must be used as efficiently as possible.<BR>Rehabilitation, particularly re-employme n t, of the institutionized cases were extremely difficult in the previous days. Because of this fact, criteria for admitting cases into these institutions were very strict, and only those who were well healed, were admitted and efforts were made for vocational training. But, because of the recent shortage in the supply of labor market, vocational readaptation of the institutionized has become less difficult. In the future, therefore, those who have difficulty in rehabilitation, i. e., those with uncertainty in clinical healing, respiratory insufficiency, psychological problems, and aged, etc…, should be given priority to be admitted to these institutions. Based on the authors experience in ‘Shonan After Care Institution’, management of cases with open-negative cavity and psychological approach for cases with weak will for rehabilitation, are considered to be most important.<BR>For promoting the re-employment, geographical location of these in s titutions is considered to be particularly important. Although life in urban districts is not adequate for convalescents, re-employment is far easier if these institutions are located in large cities.<BR>One third of the cases previously working and admitted to the Shonan After-Care Institution, were working in the big enterprises (those whose stocks are dealed at the Tokyo stock market)when their disease was discovered, and only 3% of all employed after discharge from the institution were accepted by the big enterprises of the same scale. To promote the re-employment of the convalescents, it is necessary to increase the acceptance by the big enterprises.
- 日本結核病学会の論文