- 論文の詳細を見る
Open treatment has long been applied for tuberculous empyema thoracis and is now one of the reliable techniques in operative treatment of empyema. Based on our own experiences, applicable methods and indications have been studied.<BR>Most cases of chronic empyema thoracis have been cured by surgical operations and con servative treatment was evaluated as ineffective especially in cases of chronic empyema with fistula connected with tuberculous cavities or caseaus lesions.<BR>We have been trying initial open treatment of empyema, followed by secondary operations after improvement of general conditions, disappearance of tubercle bacilli and cleaning of contaminated inner walls of empyema thoracis, and the results were satisfactory.<BR>Although recently there has been changes in clinical picture of empyema thoracis, the application of open treatment is considered to be a safe and effective techniqus as a preliminary stage of radical operation.
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