肺結核患者における免疫皮膚反応に関する研究 : 第1報4反応-PPD-反応, DNCB反応, PHA反応, Candida反応-の比較検討
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Immunological skin tests such as PPD, DNCB, PHA, Candida were carried out on 50 cases with freshly developed active pulmonary tuberculosis. Age and sex-matched 50 healthy volunteers without history of tuberculosis were served as the control.<BR>Following findings were revealed:<BR>1) In the control group, 92% showed positive response to DNCB, 98% to PHA and 90% to Candida, and no significant difference was found among these rates. On the other hand, the tuber culosis group showed positive reactions in 82% to PPD, 26% to DNCB, 80% to PHA and 26% to Can dida, and the positive responses to DNCB (26%) and Candida (26%) in the patients group were significantly lower than those to PPD (82%) and PHA (80%).<BR>2) There were significant difference in the negative responses to DNCB (P<0.01), Candida (P<0.01) and PHA (P<0.05) between the tuberculosis and the control groups, while the negative response to PPD did not show significant difference between the two groups.<BR>3) In the control group, there was no significant difference in positive response to PPD, PHA and Candida by age group, while that to DNCB was reduced in subjects older than 60. In tuber culosis group, no significant difference was seen in positive response to PHA, DNCB and Candida by age group, while positivity of PPD reaction was reduced in patients older than 40.<BR>The above results indicate that the DNCB reaction in patients older than 40. The above results indicate that the DNCB reaction in patients with freshly developed active pulmonary tuberculosis was significantly reduced than that in the healthy control and it is suggested that the DNCB skin test would be the most sensitive procedure to detect the impairment of cellular immunity.
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