Experimental Studies on Changes in Lung Lesions Following Cavity Formation. With special reference to comparisons of the ultrastructure of tissues in the main lesion, surrounding regions and normal region of the opposite lung.
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Although a cavity in a living body which is under the dynamics of respiration undergoes physical and chemical changes constantly, only a few patho-physiological studies have been reported from this viewpoint. From our department, a series of such studies have already been published, and the present report is also a part of them.<BR>Experimental lung cavities were produced in 120 rabbits by using heat killed BCG suspensions, according to Yamamura's method. The course of the production of the cavities were classified into the following 4 stages; the pre-cavitation stage (20 days after the introduction of secondary antigen into the lung); the early stage of cavitation (20-40 days); the completing stage of cavitation (40-60 days); the stage of secondary changes in the cavity wall (60 days and over). The course of cavitation was observed roentgenographically and macroscopically, the observation period covering 530 days at the longest.<BR>At the same time changes of the optical and electron microscopic features of lung tissues in the main lesion (cavity wall), in the surrounding regions and in the normal region of opposite lung were compared. Chemical changes in the lung tissues of the regions were followed up with the following results:<BR>1. Roentgenographical alterations in the cavity formation are not widely different from those reported hitherto, and are in good agreement with macroscopical findings.<BR>2. From the completing stage of cavitation onward, experimental lung cavities produced with heat killed BCG suspensions partly begin to show a tendency toward roentgenographical and histological healings. Chemical changes in the tissues also reflect these facts to some extent. In the entire lung segments, diffuse productive lesions, smaller than millet grains, are sometimes formed centering around the alveolar septum. This is thought of as due to the passage of primary and secondary sensitizing antigens into the blood.<BR>3. The followings are the electron microscopicchanges:<BR>i) Early exudative changes begin with intraand extracellular edemata, and are due chiefly to the marked increase in pinocytosis.<BR>ii) Epithelioid cells are considered as being formed when juvenile phagocytes develop into the mature type through the phagocytic type in a specific environment.<BR>iii) Further studies will be required on the mechanism underlying lattice fiber formation or hyalinization.<BR>iv) From 200 days onwards, a fairly great number of plasma cells are seen in fibrosed tissues together with lymphocytes and fibro cytes (fibroblasts).<BR>4. From the early stage to the completing.
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- Experimental Studies on Changes in Lung Lesions Following Cavity Formation. With special reference to comparisons of the ultrastructure of tissues in the main lesion, surrounding regions and normal region of the opposite lung.