再治療肺結核患者に対するRifampicinの治療成績 (長期使用例)
- 論文の詳細を見る
One hundred fourty nine retreatnaent cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were treated by rifampicin for more than 12 months.<BR>The clinical results are summarized as follows;<BR>Improvement of basic lesion and cavity was rarely observed and 80% of patients remained unchanged as far as radiographic findings concerned.<BR>Negative conversion rate by culture was 69.1% at 6th month and 71.8% at 12th month.<BR>The negative conversion occured usually in 2nd and 3rd months, and thereafter the conversion rate became low. Out of 42 cases discharging bacilli at 12th month, 16 patients were continuously sputum positive, while other 26 cases intermittently positive.<BR>At 12th month, 85.7% of culture positive cases were resistant to RFP.<BR>Only few adverse reaction (gastrointestinal disturbance, liver insufficiency, psycho neurotic symptom, etc.) were observed.<BR>Subjects were classified by various background factors and their correlation to clinical effects was investigated. As for the following five factors, significant correla tion was observed.<BR>a) Resistance to combined drugs.<BR>b) Extent of lesions according to NTA classification.<BR>c) Type of cavity wall.<BR>d) Number of cavity.<BR>e) Amount of discharged bacilli.
- 日本結核病学会の論文
- 17. 呼吸困難な主症状として発症し,最初上縦隔の線維肉腫と考えられたが,剖検により食道の扁平上皮癌と判明した一例 : 第61回日本肺癌学会関東支部会
- 5.血管造影に於て,肺動静脈短絡を示した大細胞癌の9例 : 第61回日本肺癌学会関東支部会
- 14. 肺転移病変が主症状を呈した胃癌の2剖検例 : 第57回日本肺癌学会関東部会
- 再治療肺結核患者に対するRifampicinの治療成績 (長期使用例)