遅延型アレルギーに関与するリンパ球の動態に関する研究 マクロファージ遊走阻止現象と遅延型皮膚反応の相関関係について
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Many recent investigations support the hypothesis that the macrophage migration inhibitory phenomenon is an <I>in vitro</I> model of delayed hypersensitivity. The sensitized lymphocytes liberate the migration inhibitory factor by contact with the specific antigen.<BR>The dynamic aspects of immunocompetent cells for delayed hyper s e nsitivity were studied, comparing the macrophage migration inhibitory phenomenon and the delayed skin reaction.<BR>Guinea pigs were sensitized by 1 mg or 10 mg of heat-killed BCG in the form o f Freund's complete adjuvant. According to the difference of the site of sensitization, animals were divided into two groups. The first was sensitized by only one injection of antigen into the back of the neck and the second was injected separately into the hind footpads and the back of the neck.<BR>Regardless of the dose of antigen and the site of sensitization, delayed cutaneous reactions were similarly and intensively induced. However, the macrophage migration inhibition by peritoneal exudate cells was noted only in the animals sensitized by the injection of antigen into the hind footpads and no inhibition by peritoneal exudate cells was observed in the animals injected into the back of the neck (Table 1, Table 2, Fig.1 and Fig.2), although the adequate number of lymphocytes were in the peritoneal exudate cells (Table 4 and 5). On the other hand, the migration of the alveolar cells from the animals sensitized into the back of the neck was apparently inhibited and its intensity was correlated to that of delayed cutaneous reaction (Table 7 and Fig.3).<BR>It was inferred that by sensitization procedure cells localized in the regional lymphnodes are sensitized in delayed type and that these sensitized cells are deposited in two different places, the lung and the peritoneal cavity, depending on the site of sensitization. A skin reaction, however, can be uniformly induced by sensitized cells which come from the depository
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