原発性甲状腺機能亢進症に炙甘草湯の有効であった一例 : 甲状腺ホルモン値の改善について
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This is a case report of primary hyperthyroidism, treated by Shakanzo-To (a herbal medicine) alone, without any other medical intervention. Effects of Shakanzo-To was proved by the measurement of serum thyroid hormone levels.<BR>The patient was 32 y. o. female. Struma and exophthalmus were apparent. Weight loss was also noticable (-10kg/2 years). Serum thyroid hormone levels were abnormally high (T<SUB>3</SUB>=421ng/dl, T<SUB>4</SUB>=36.0μg/dl, TSH=1.0μU/ml). Thyroid scintigram showed diffuse uptake. <SUP>131</SUP>I uptake ratio was 71.5%/24 hours. She was diagnosed as primary hyperthyroidism. According to the “Sho” (the diagnostic approach of oriental medicine, KANPO), Shakanzo-To (water-boiled) was prescribed. Six weeks afterwards, the hormone levels decreased (T<SUB>3</SUB>=291, T<SUB>4</SUB>=17.3). From that time, we used the same “Shakanzo-To” medicine, but in the form of chemically-extractedgranules. After four weeks, the hormone levels increased again (T<SUB>3</SUB>=291, T<SUB>4</SUB>=24.7). So, we used again the former Shakanzo-To (water-boiled). Then the hormone levels decreased once again six weeks later (T<SUB>3</SUB>=210, T<SUB>4</SUB>=17.3). TSH levels remained less than 1.25μU/ml.<BR>We believe it important that effects of Shakanzo-To seem to be demonstrated by the improvement of the thyroid hormone levels.
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