梅毒の血清診断法に関する知見補遺 : 第1報 Treponema pallidum Reiter株の特異性について
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Cardiolipin-CF, RPCF and TPI tests were carried out on 1, 019 serum specimens of both syphilitic and non-syphilitic persons. With non-syphilitic sera, the results by RPCF test agreed fairly well with those by TPI test; while the former test overlooked some of the weakly positive cases (17 among 1, 019). The antigenic specificity of Reiter strain of Treponema pallidum was analyzed by complement fixation and gel diffusion precipitation tests. The following results were obtained: 1) The main component of the antigen for the RPCF test was precipitated with ammonium sulfate at 75 percent saturation from the sonicate of the organisms. The antigen was immunologically distinct from cardiolipin. 2) Reiter strain shared an antigen with a virulent treponemal strain (Nichols). This antigen constituted a partial antigen of the virulent strain as the results of the gel diffusion precipitation test indicated. 3) Syphilitic human sera contained an antibody which reacted with another antigen present only in the virulent strain.These observations may partly explain the inconsistent results in serological tests with Reiter strain and those with the virulent strain.
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- 1. 醸造用酵母の凍結乾燥に関する研究(昭和38年度 日本醗酵工学会大会講演会研究発表要旨)
- 1. 醸造用酵母の凍結乾燥に関する研究
- 梅毒の血清診断法に関する知見補遺 : 第1報 Treponema pallidum Reiter株の特異性について
- 実験梅毒の免疫に関する研究 : 第2報 実験梅毒家兎抗体の胎児への移行