油脂に包埋せる抗酸性菌の菌力特に所謂非定型抗酸性菌えの一考察 : 第2編 てんじくねする脂肪に包埋した M. phleiの皮下, 腹腔内接種
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In the previous paper, the author presented tuberculosis-like changes of guinea pigs inoculated with M. phlei coated with liquid paraffin. In the present report, the experiment was made by the use of the fat of guinea pigs instead of liquid paraffin as adjuvant.<BR>Fatty tissues of guinea pigs were collected, the crude fat was extracted by using ether, mixed with M. phlei, and inoculated subcutaneously to guinea pigs, in order to make comparison on the paraffin-coated one. As the result, similar phenomena were observed as in the case of liquid paraffin.<BR>Furthermore, when M. phlei coated with the fat was inoculated intraperitoneally, the changes were severer than in the case of subcutaneous inoculation, presenting many abscesses and adhesions in peritoneal cavity, detecting many of M. phlei even 6 weeks later. Some of the animals died.<BR>From the above results, it is very interesting to find that non-pathogenic acidfast bacteria produce some pathogenicity under the condition in which bacilli are coated with the fat of animals to be inoculated.
- 日本細菌学会の論文
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