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Two hundred and two routine orthopantomographic observations were made on the location of mental foramen, and the course of mandibular canal in accordance with our criteria. The locations of the mental foramens were classified in both horizontal and vertical planes.<BR>1. In the horizontal plane, 52.2% of the mental foramina were found in the apical area of the second premolar, and 26.5% were between the two premolars.<BR>2. In the vertical plane, 86.2% of the mental foramina were found below the level of the apices of the premolars.<BR>3. Single high mandibular canals, either touching or within 2mm of apices of second molars, were about 12 to 13%.<BR>4. Most mandibular canals were in the intermediate zone, relatively high in the second molar region and low in the first molar region.<BR>5. Single low mandibular canals, either touching or within 2 mm of the cortical plate of lower border of the mandible, were 2 to 4%.
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