Experimental study of the healing proceses after venous anastomosis. Recanalization phenomena.:Recanalization phenomena
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Sixty-six Wistar female rats, weighing about 300g, were employed in order to study the experimental healing process after microvenous anastomoses of the femoral veins, especially the recanalization phenomenon.<BR>1. Throughout the experimental periods, venous anastomoses obstruction rates were 27.3%(18/66); that is, 2nd day, 33.3%(6/18), 4th day, 25.0%(5/25) and 7th day, 25.5%(7/28) respectively.<BR>2. Having checked 2nd day, 4th day and 7th day postoperatively, all obstructed venous anastomoses reopened and flew again on 7th day after the first observation of the venous obstructions. Therefore, it is suggested that recanalization phenomenon can be confirmed experimentally after microvenous anastomosis.<BR>3. Judging from histological and immunohistological findings, one of the causes of recanalization phenomenon is attributable to endothelial coverage of the anastomotic site, consequent desquamation and washout of the mural thrombus.
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