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A malignant melanoma of the oral cavity which was not so responsive to DAV therapy and Liniac radiotherapy but succesfully responded to local injection of interferon-β is reported.<BR>A 67-year-old male came to our department complaining of a painful tumor on the palate on November 1, 1989. Initial examination showed a diffuse melanoma on the upper alveolar gum, hard palate, and soft palate which infiltrated to the cheek and upper lip mucosa.<BR>Signs of metastasis to the regional lymph nodes were not evident.<BR>Although he was treated with chemotherapy (DTIC, ACNU and VCR) and highdose intermittent radiotherapy, the tumor did not disappear.<BR>We therefore tried local injection of interferon-β(100-300×10<SUP>4</SUP> IU/day, 3-5 times/week). The tumor disappeared completely after 6 months. However, a metastatic lymph node (30 mm) of the submandibular region was detected and neck dissection was carried out.<BR>Three years after his first visit, neither local recurrence nor distant metastasis have been clinically detected.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
平木 紳一郎
大西 正信
河合 峰雄
神戸市立中央市民病院 歯科口腔外科
古谷 昌裕
神戸市立中央市民病院 歯科口腔外科
橋川 直浩
岩城 正之
大西 正信
平木 紳一郎
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