Cycle Characteristics on A Large Bore 2-cycle Diesel Engine
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Recently, the remote control apparatuses of marine main diesel engines have been used generally. and the computer control systems of main engines for the super automation of vessels are being developed. As marine main engines are larger and super charging level is higher, the response delay of engines when loads change suddenly, the durability for troubles caused by thermal loads, mechanical or vibratory stresses, etc. are coming into problem. And moreover, a change after aging (including a torque rich condition) according to the dirtiness of vessels and main engines are taken a matter.<BR>In case of studying above problems and a future super automatic system, the characteristics of an engine under various conditions including the standard propeller and cycle characteristics must be grasped fundamentally.<BR>Then, at the shop trial of a large bore two cycle diesel engine, with a water brake, some experiments were carried out under twenty kinds of conditions combined various torques and revolutions, and the characterstics of combustion, gas flow, cycle, etc. were measured and analyzed. And under lower scavenging pressure levels by about ten per cent (at an adiabtic pressure), than the normal state the same items as above mentioned were measured and analyzed.<BR>Consequently, the factors affecting on combustions, gas flows, performances, thermal loads and others of large bore diesel engines were made clear. And effective data to estimate the transient states and the various characteristics due to a change after aging including torque rich condition Were obtained.<BR>These data will, be utilized effectively for the purpose of deciding the charcteristics of propeller and cycle initially when a marine diesel engine plant and a future superr automation of that are planned.
- 公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
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