Effects of Experimental Fluoride Poisoning on Al-P Activity and cAMP Level in Plasma and Bone in Rats: Studies with Pair Feeding Controls.:Studies with Pair Feeding Controls
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Alkaline phosphatase (Al-P) activity and 3′, 5′ cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels in plasma and bone in rats experimentally poisoned with fluoride (F) were determined and compared with the results of pair feeding.<BR>1) As F doses increased, the uneaten food in F intake groups increased. This was about 30% in 4mg F groups and about 50% in 6mg F groups. Body weight was lower in F intake groups than in control groups. The change in body weight in pair feeding control groups showed the same pattern as in F intake groups.<BR>2) Al-P activity in plasma was significantly greater in 4mg F groups and 6mg F groups than in pair feeding control groups (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively).<BR>3) Al-P activity in bone appeared to increase in F intake groups compared to control groups. Al-P activity in bone was lower in pair feeding groups used as controls to 4mg F groups or 6 mg F groups than in the respective F intake groups.<BR>4) Cyclic AMP level in plasma was higher in F intake groups than in control groups. There was significant difference between control groups and both 4mg F and 6mg F groups (p<0.01). Plasma cAMP level in pair feeding control groups was about same level as control groups.<BR>5) Cyclic AMP level in bone tended to be higher in F intake groups than in control groups. There was a significant difference between control groups and 4mg F groups (p<0.01). Bone cAMP level in pair feeding groups used as controls to 4mg F or 6mg F groups was similar to the level in control groups.<BR>6) F concentration in both plasma and bone increased in proportion to the dose of F. There was a significant positive correlation between Al-P activity and F concentration.
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会 | 論文
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