An Analysis of Oral Disease and Clinical Examination Data from Outpatients in a Preventive Dentistry Clinic.
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the relation between oral conditions and caries activity tests (CAT) as a means of comprehending the oral conditions of outpatients.<BR>We analyzed the data obtained from 116 patients (aged 11 to 71, who were examined by dental students and recalled from April, 1987 to March, 1988). The indices for multivariate analysis were age, sex, caries severity index (CSI), Ramfjord's periodontal disease index (PDI), missing teeth (MT), bleeding index (BI), debris index (DI), salivary flow rate (SFR), buffering capacity test (BCT), pH of saliva (SPH), lactobacillus colony count (LCC), and cariostat (CAR). The multivariate analysis was done with a program called ANALYST, which was developed for statistical analysis at the Educational Center for Information Processing, Kyushu University. The method of analysis was Kendall's ranking correlation.<BR>A statistical significant correlation was shown between CSI and SFR, LCC, and CAR. The measurement of SFR was easy and effective for CAT in a general clinical examination. In addition, there was significant correlation between PDI and LCC and CAR. The examinations of LCC and CAR were useful as a means of comprehending oral conditions. Moreover, CSI had a significantly higher correlation to MT than to PDI. It was seen that the reason for missing teeth was still dental caries and then conditions that follow caries, such as pulpitis, apical foci, and so on.
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会 | 論文
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