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We conducted research on the dental health and hygiene activities in schools and the number person-days per year for activities in order to examine the manpower volume of dentists and dental hygienists which is necessary to put into practice dental health and hygiene activities equally in all schools throughout the country.<BR>The followinng results were obtained.<BR>1) Periodic and preschool dental health examinations have been carried out in all schools throughout the country. However, the practic of other dental health activities was as low as 30% in primary schools and 20% in secondary schools.<BR>2) In the schools which have carried out dental health activities, 70% of the dentists among all the schools joined in every activity and 30% to 67% of the dental hygienists among all the schools joined in every activity excepting dental meetings.<BR>3) The mean number of yearly average of person-days for dental activities for a school was different according to the number of schoolchildren. Primary school dentists worked for 3 to 10 person-days and secondary school dentists for 2 to 8 person-days. They alotted 70% of all the person-days for dental examinations. Dental hygienists assigned 2 to 5 person-days in primary schools and 1 to 2 person-days for average yearly dental activities.<BR>4) The yearlong activity person-days for a school practicing in the dental health activity were subdivided into the values of 50%, 75%, 80%, and 90% by the number of schoolchildren for the dental examination. The necessary yearly activity person-days were from 5 to 13 (50%) and 13 to 31 (90%) for the dentists, and 11 to 16 (50%) and 24 to 43 person-days (90%) for the dental hygienists.<BR>5) The necessary yearly person-days (50-90%) according to regions were 9 to 20 person-days for a dentist and 26 to 63 person-days for a dental hygienist in towns and villages of 10, 000 people, and 5 to 12 for a dentist and 15 to 37 for a dental hygienist in cities and wards of 50, 000 people, and 4 to 8 person-days for a dentist and 10 to 25 person-days for a dental hygienist in cities and wards of 100, 000 people.<BR>6) The yearly manpower volume necessary for the school health activity of a school was obtained from the dentists and hygienists and we suggested that more hygienists will be needed in the future.
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会 | 論文
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