Composition and fluoride content of commercially available experimental diets for animals.
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The content of fluorides in experimental animal diets has been discussed and reported by several researchers. In studies on the metabolism of fluoride and dental caries experiments, low fluoride diets have been used with specially prepared formulas. However, data on fluoride content in commercially available diets for animals have not been reported with accurate analysis for total fluoride.<BR>The purpose of this study was to examine fluoride contents in various experimental animal diets commercially available and also to ascertain fluoride analysis for the diets, especially for total fluoride in the sample. This information will be useful for designing animal experiments and evaluating the results.<BR>Samples of 9 experimental animal diets obtained from 3 manufacturers for fluoride analysis were the diets for mice, hamsters and rats (CA-1, MF and CE-2); the diet for rabbits and guinea pigs (Labo RG-RO and RC-4); the diets for rabbits (CR-3); the diet for dogs (CD-5); the diet for cats (CFE-2); and the cariogenic diet for rats and hamsters (Diet #2000). Each sample was powdered and Ca (OH) <SUB>2</SUB> (F free) added as a fixative for fluoride during ashing at 550°C. The distillate of fluoride from samples with perchloric acid (F free) was obtained approximately 200m<I>l</I>from each sample and also the distillate was analyzed by ion-specific fluoride electrode.<BR>Samples were classified by fluoride contents as follows: (1) low-fluoride diet (4-5ppm F<SUP>-</SUP>; sample codes: RC-4, CR-3 and Diet #2000); (2) medium-fluoride diet (approx. 20ppm F<SUP>-</SUP>; sample codes: Labo RG-RO, CD-5 and CFE-2), and (3) high-fluoride diet (40-80ppm F<SUP>-</SUP>; sample codes: CE-2, MF and CA-1). From these results, we found that high-fluoride diets contained fish-meal and low-fluoride diets contained soybean-meal as the major protein source. In order to ascertain analysis procedure for total fluoride in the sample, the distillation rate of fluoride and the ashing time for decomposition of powdered sample included organic and inorganic substances were analyzed statistically by two-way layout of the experimental design. Statistical findings suggested that more than 10 hours of ashing is advisable for each of the distillation rates (30m<I>l</I>/10min, 50m<I>l</I>/10min and 100m<I>l</I>/10min) and also the results obtained in this study revealed relatively high fluoride content in the commercially available diets for experimental animal.<BR>We suggest the establishment of guideline for fluoride content in diets for experimental animals, such as AIN-76<SUP>TM</SUP>proposed by American Institute of Nutrition Ad Hoc committee for experimental animal diets.
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会 | 論文
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