Regional difference of HB virus infection and incidence rate of HB virus infection per year for Japanese dental practitioners (at Nerima, Utsunomiya and Hachinohe).
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In order to understand regional differences in situation and incidence rate per year of HBV infection for Japanese dentists, we surveyed anti-HBs antibody positive rate for dental practitioners at Nerima (Tokyo), Utsunomiya (Tochigi), and Hachinohe (Aomori). A longitudinal survey of conversion rate positive with the anti-HBs/c antibodies was also done for dentists at Hachinohe.<BR>The anti-HBs antibody positive rate for dentists at Hachinohe was found to be noticeably higher than those at Nerima and Utsunomiya. However, the rate of anti-HBs antibody in the districts of Nerima, Utsunomiya and Hachinohe was the same level as those in other districts previously reported (see ref. 4, 5, 6, 15), implying that there is little regional difference of the HBV infection in Japanese dentists. It also seems that the regional difference was not related to the kind of HBs-Ag subtypes, period of the survey, and ages of the subjects.<BR>During the year of December of 1982 to 1983, the antibody positive conversion rate was found to be only one case (2.3% of the incidence rate per year) out of 43 dentists in the Hachinohe district. Furthermore, it was implied by the longitudinal survey that HBV infection was much related to the length of clinical work These results indicate that preventive treatments of HBV infection in Japan shoud be done either before or immediately after clinical work
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会 | 論文
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