醗酵によるVitamin Cの製造-6-
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Previously, the author reported that the mass production of Ca-2keto-L-gulonate was successful from Ca-L-idonate (in practice an equimolecular mixture of Ca-L-idonate and Ca-D-gluconate, abbreviated as Ca-I-G had been used) by the freshly isolated Ps. fluorescens sp., and also reported, that vitamin C was prepared from the Na-salt of Ca-2-keto-L-gulo. nate thus obtained. Repeating a further investigation, -the author succeeded in obtaining only pure 2--keto-L-gulonic acid in a crystalline state from the broth. The results are summarized as follows: Repeating a further investigation the author succeeded in obtaining only pure 2--keto-L-gulonic acid in a crystalline state from the broth. The results are summarized as follows: 1) In such a case as; bouillon agar slant → Ca-I-G agar slant → Ca-I-G shaking culture, initial pH 6.1→elapsed from pH 7.0 to pH 5.8 → final broth (15 days of total incubation period) ; the max. yield in a crystalline state was 42.2% to Ca-I-G. 2) In such a case as; 7 times repeating of inoculation of Ca-I-G agar slant → Ca-I-G shaking culture, initial pH 6.1 4 days →elasped pH 7.0 4 days→elasped controlled to pH5.8 6 days→elasped final broth (14 days of total incubation period); the max. yield was 45.2%. 3) In the case as ; cells incubated 50 days on Ca-I-G agar slant → Ca-I-G agar slant → Ca-I-G shaking culture, initial pH 6.1 4 days →elasped PH 7.0 2days→elasped controlled to pH 5.8 7days→elasped final broth (11 days of total incubation period), the max. yield in a crystalline state rised up to 52.8% (purity:94%). The author found that it was more favorable to control the pH value to 5.8 than to 5.5 in the above described manipulation, in order to obtain the less deviated yields. 4) By using the strain, obtained by the methods illustraed in column (3), the successful, yields of 2-keto-hexonic acid was obtained. In this case, the maximum yields of 2-keto-L-gulonic acid in a crystalline state through this investigation was given as well. The further decomposition of 2-keto-ic gulonic acid by this strain was hardly recognized.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文