果樹の燐酸葉面撒布に関する研究(第1報) : 桃,梨,柿,葡萄,温州蜜柑実生に対する燐酸-アンモン葉面撒布の効果
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1. Effect of the sprays of mono-ammonium-phos-phate solution on the growth and chemical com-position of plants was studied, using seedlings of peach, persimmon, pear, grape vine and Satsuma orange planted in phosphorus deficient soil. Mono-ammonium-phosphate solution of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% were sprayed on the seedlings. In addi-tion, one plot was fertilized with superphosphate. 2. Peach, pear and persimmon trees were spr-ayed 8 times from June; grape, 6 times from July; and Satsuma orange, 12 tims from June. The seedlings were harvested in August or Octo-ber and weighed. 3. Foliar sprays of the phosphate increased plant growth as compared with no spraying. The effective concentration of mono-ammonium-phosphate solution was 1.0% in peach, pear, and Satsuma orange, and 0.5_??_1.0% in persimmon and grape vine. 4. Persimmon and grape vine plants were more susceptible to the spraying. injury than the other plants. 5. The amount of phosphorus absorbed in seed-lings increased with the concentration of the spraying solution. 6. Although the effect of phosphate fertilization was conspicuous in peach and grape vine plants, it was not clear in pear and persimmon. This is probably due to the planting injury of these plants.
- 園芸学会の論文