光線療法後の melanoma in situ
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A 68-year-old Japanease man was refered to us a developing black-brown macule on the left posterior thoratic region at 10 years after treatment for his psoriasis. He received photochemotherapy (PUVA) every two weeks in our hospital from March, 1983. The dose of 8-methoxypsoraren was 40mg/body and UVA dose were 5-9 Joule/cm2. Besides this he began UVB therapy with home use of sunlamps twice a week. From July, 1986 through June, 1993 the patient sporadically received PUVA for each flares of psoriasis. Total UVA dose was about 800 Joule/cm2. Total UVB dose was unknown. He had not received X-ray, tar, methotrexate nor arsenic treatment before his starting photo (chemo) therapy. In June, 1993 he noticed a pigmented macule on his back. Histologically, it was diagnosed as a malignant melanoma in situ. Patients treated with PUVA and/or UVB should be kept under surveillance for the development of cutaneous malignant neoplasms, including melanoma, although the incidence of photo (chomo) therapy-induced malignant tumor is very low in Japanease peoples.
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