- 論文の詳細を見る
We present a case of a 47-years-old woman who first noticed a miliary-sized skin tumor on the right buttock about 3 years ago. Two years ago the size increased gradually and it became tender. The patient was admitted to our hospital because a biopsy suggested a basal cell epithelioma (BCE) . At the first visit in our clinic a pale red-violet protruding tumor of 23×20mm size, which showed partial ulceration on its surface, was observed on the right buttock 2 cm from the anus. Under palpitation a slight movability of the 35×47mm subcutaneous mass was observed but on the anal mucous membrane there were no abnormalities. Preoperative CT scanning and sonography showed an extensively spreading tumor that invaded also the subcutaneous fatty tissue, but there were no signs of an infiltration into the sphincter ani. Histological examination after total resection revealed that basal cell-like tumor nests were partially attached to the epidermis an proliferating into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In this tumor aspect of a solid type as well as aspect of adenoid and keratotic types of BCE were observed. There was no staining of the tumor cells with PAS, Alcian-blue, CEA and S-100 protein. Moreover, there were no significant findings in enzyme histochemical analyses. We reported this BCE case revealed specific clinical feature which developed comparatively rare on the buttock referring some references.
小林 まさ子
藤田 優
村野 早苗
松本 文昭
寄藤 和彦
斉藤 次郎
山崎 直久
江口 奈緒美
永山 博敏
村野 早苗
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- 6. 悪性黒色腫の空洞を伴った肺転移の1例(第90回日本肺癌学会関東支部会)
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- 2. 色素性蕁麻疹の一例(第468回千葉医学会例会,第21回千葉皮膚科臨床談話会)
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- A comparison of the preoperative CT and histological images in malignant skin tumors.
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