Our experience with excision of skin metastases from lung cancer
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We presented 6 cases who had undergone excision of skin metastases from lung cancer. The 6 patients, 4 male and 2 female, ranged in age from 57 to 76 years. The pathological findings were adenocarcinoma in four patients, and squamous cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma in one patient. The median survival time from the diagnosis of lung cancer was 13.0 months and that from the diagnosis of skin metastasis was 6.2 months. We concluded that excision of skin metastases from lung cancer could not improve the vital prognosis. However, symptoms of the patients, including pain, exudate, and bleeding, were improved postoperatively, so we suggest that excision of skin metastases from lung cancer is an important procedure for improving the QOL of the patients. [Skin Cancer (Japan) 2008; 23: 47-52]
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