無色素性悪性黒色腫 (amelanotic melanoma) の1例
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We report a case of amelanotic malignant melanoma with complete loss of pigment on the left foot in 64-year-old male. The histopathology of the primary lesion after total resection showd that tumor thickness was 10mm and the junctional activity of the tumor cells on the basal layer and nests of tumor cells, but no melanin granules existed. By immunohistchemistry, tumor cells were positive for S-100 staining and partly positive for HMB45 staining. Melanosome and premelanosome were not observed by electron microscopic examination. Radical resection for left inguinal lymph nodes was carried out and tumor metastasis was confirmed histlogically.
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- 無色素性悪性黒色腫 (amelanotic melanoma) の1例
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- 無色素性悪性黒色腫 (amelanotic melanoma) の1例
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