- 論文の詳細を見る
A 57-year-old female case of giant sweat gland carcinoma on the head is reported.She noticed a red papule on the parie-occipital area of the scalp in 1986. In 1994, the size of the lesion became 12×13×3cm and erythema appeared from the occipitalregion to the nape. The lymph nodes of right lateral cervical and left occipital regions were enlarged. She received chemotherapy using fluorouracil and peplomycin sulfate. The therapy was effective but discontinued because of the side effect. Therefore wechanged to a different combined chemotherapy (CAV: cisplatin, adriamycin, vindesine sulfate) . The reduction of the tumor size and erythema appeared. The tendency to bleed from the tumor was also observed as the effect of CAV therapy. As there have been few reports of chemotherapy for sweat gland carcinoma, it is hopeful that chemotherapy is established in unoperated cases of the carcinoma.
- 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会の論文
- 多核巨細胞の目立つT細胞リンパ腫の1例
- 臨床的薬剤耐性疑い例のらい菌遺伝子変異検査
- ハンセン病化学療法の今後の課題
- 今後のハンセン病化学療法の課題
- ハンセン病の初診から治療まで
- らい懇話会(現ハンセン病懇話会)の歩み
- らいの臨床
- らいの夫婦発症例
- ハンセン病治癒判定基準
- ハンセン病新規患者の統計解析(1993年-2000年)
- ハンセン病治療指針
- 四年半の不規則治療の後に, 未分化群の組織を呈する皮疹をほぼ全身に再燃した境界群(BT)ハンセン病の一例
- 10年後に局所再発した悪性黒色腫の1例
- タイトル無し
- 20余年の経過の末, 肝臓へのびまん性浸潤から急速に肝不全が進行し死亡に至った菌状息肉症の1例
- 組織学的に汗腺癌と考えられる頭部の巨大腫瘤
- Mycosis fungoides. A case of mycosis fungoides with death by rapidly progressed hepatic failure from diffusive invasion to the liver in end of progress over 20 years.
- An immuno-histochemical review of EGF receptors in tumors of the epidermis.
- 組織学的に汗腺癌と考えられる頭部の巨大腫瘤
- らい新患発生の減少―流行終焉期のらいの疫学的状況―
- らい(ハンセン病)外来診療についてのアンケート調査結果について