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In order to make papers with excellent EMI shielding properties, the influence on EMI shielding effect of the morphology, thickness and microstructure of electroless Ni-B films on paper has been investigated. The EMI shielding effect was found to increase with increasing film thickness and with the formation of films that penetrated uniformly into the paper. The films as deposited on the papers were amorphous, but were converted into Ni and Ni3B crystal structures by heating to 300°C or higher resulting in an improved EMI shielding effect.Electrodeposition of Cu films on to the electroless Ni-B films greatly increased the shielding effect of the plating papers, equivalent to the shielding effect of Cu foil 35μm thick.
- 社団法人 表面技術協会の論文
佐藤 栄一
齋藤 哲男
斎藤 哲男
戸室 康二
入江 晃士
桑名 朗久
桑名商事 (株)
斎藤 哲男
佐藤 栄一
宇都宮大学 工学部
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