Measurement of portal blood flow and effective hepatic circulation in liver cirrhosis - Influence of glucagon.:Influence of Glucagon
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Portal blood flow was measured by a ultrasonic pulsed Doppler flowmeter in liver cirrhosis, and the results were compared with KICG with and without glucagon. Relative portal blood flow measured at the portal trunk was significantly decreased in liver cirrhosis without collateral circulation than in liver cirrhosis with collateral circulation (15.4±6.6cm3/sec vs. 21.9±9.2cm3/sec, p<0.05). The KICG, however, is significantly impaired in the latter (0.099±0.051 vs. 0.073±0.040, p<0.05). By loading glucagon intraveneously, portal blood flow was found to be increased, and KICG was improved significantly in patients without collateral circulation, but not in those with collateral circulation. The measurement of portal blood flow and glucagon-loaded ICG can be important tools for the diagnosis of derranged hemodynamic state in the hepatic circulation in liver cirrhosis.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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- Measurement of portal blood flow and effective hepatic circulation in liver cirrhosis - Influence of glucagon.:Influence of Glucagon