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Plasma F-XIII activities and the localization in biopsied liver specimens were investigated in 85 patients with various liver diseases. Plasma F-XIII activities tended to be lower in accordance with the severity of hepatic parencymal damage, however they were remarkablly elevated in patients with alcoholic hepatic fibrosis.The localization of F-XIII in liver biopsy specimens of 45 cases was determined by the method of PAP. Fibroblasts, macrophages and immature collagen fiber in extensive fibrous lesions stained positively for F-XIII. XIIIa positive cells were prominent especially in cases of alcoholic fibrosis and also in cases of chronic hepatitis active. Those cases in whome many XIIIa positive cells were observed the elevation of plasma F-XIII activity. In 34 patients with chronic liver disease, the number of XIIIa positive cells also correlated with plasma F-XIII activity.These findings suggest that F-XIII may contribute to active hepatic fibrogenesis and that determination of plasma F-XIII activity and staining for F-XIIIa in the biopsied liver specimens may be useful parameter to detect the development of hepatic fibrosis.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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