:Report I. Micromeasuring and Histological Studies of Pancreatic Duct
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Although microscopic alterations of chronic pancreatitis are widely accepted, little has been written about the pathogenesis or mechanism of the ductal abnormality on pancreatogram.To investigate the pathogenesis of caliber change of the pancreatic ducts appearing on pancreatogram, we made the study about the correlation between microscopic alterations and the diameter of the pancreatic ducts and ductules.The results were as follows:1) The inner diameter of the ducts and ductules was increased in the cases with histological alterations as compared to the normal, particularly when catarr and goblet cell hyperplasia of the ductal epithelium were observed.2) The degree of the increment of caliber of the ducts and ductules related to the severity of the histological changes of the ductal epithelium.3) Such correlation, however, was not definite in the cases with squamous metaplasia of the ducts and ductules.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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- :Report I. Micromeasuring and Histological Studies of Pancreatic Duct