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The diffraction patterns obtained by the back reflection divergent X-ray method are analogous to the well known Kossel patterns, in which each ellipse consisting of Kα<SUB>1</SUB> and Kα<SUB>2</SUB> lines corresponds to the definite set of (hkl) planes. Crystallographic orientation may be determined rapidly and exactly with these pseudo Kossel patterns compared with the ordinary X-ray technique.<BR>The diffraction line is indexed by measuring the following Parameters; (1) the distance between the doublet on the film and the two consecutive film positions in the multiple exposure technique; (2) the length of the major or the minor axis in an ellipse and the specimen-to-target and the targetto-film distances.<BR>The crystallographic orientation of a specimen can be determined to an accuracy of the order of 0.01° by measuring the parameters of more than two sets of (hkl) planes.
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