エタノールを含有する安定な低粘度O/Wエマルションの生成機構 : 乳化過程におけるエタノールの影響
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The formation mechanism and stability of low viscous O/W emulsions containing ethanol and having small disperse phase volumes were investigated.<BR>Stability against creaming was controlled by the Brownian movement of fine emulsion droplets of submicron order. To obtain such droplets, the effective orientation of surfactant molecules at the oil and water interface through formation of a liquid crystalline phase having a lamellar structure (D<SUB>2</SUB> phase) during emulsification was indispensable.<BR>Based on the phase behavior of a ethanol-water-nonionic surfactant-methylphenyl polysiloxane quaternary system, the hydrophil-lipophile-balance of nonionic surfactants was concluded to be greatly influenced by the addition of ethanol. Formation of the D<SUB>2</SUB> phase in the presence of a certain amount of ethanol was found possible only through use of hydrophobic nonionic surfactants having low cloud points.
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- エタノールを含有する安定な低粘度O/Wエマルションの生成機構 : 乳化過程におけるエタノールの影響