ぶどう種子から得られる酸化防止剤の研究 : カテキン混合物の分離・同定
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Antioxidants comprise a major group of food additives. However, BHA and BHT as synthetic antioxidants are suspected of beeing toxic in character so that natural antioxidative compounds, particularly those from plant materials, should take the place of synthetic compounds.<BR>This paper reports the isolation, identification and estimation of a natural antioxidant in grape seed extracts. The natural antioxidant, III, obtained in crystalline form from the extracts with ethyl acetate of grape seeds by centrifugal chromatography, using Wakogel B-O as a packing material. Antioxidative activity was determined by AOM in lard. This antioxidant showed remarkable antioxidative activity toward lard and was more effective than <I>dl</I>-α-tocopherol, BHT and BHA. Its main components were identified by UV, IR, MS and <SUP>1</SUP>H-NMR as (+) -catechin and (-) -epicatechin.
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