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A method of analyzing the aerial photograph of the landslide area has been developed to extract the area covered with the deposit by the past landslide or collapse, which is known to be in danger of the secondary land-slide or collapse. In this method, the image of aerial photograph is analyzed by measuring the light intensity reflected on the surface of aerial photograph. It is found that on sweeping the image the light intensity change with many oscillations of with period are smaller than the area of landslide and collapse. The block of landslide can be extracted from the image analysis, because the amplitudes of the oscillations in the block of landslide are appreciably different from the area which has sufferad no landslide. In the interior of the past landslide mass, the pulse oscillations are observed at the deforming and crashing ground.
- 社団法人 日本地すべり学会の論文
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- 講座 斜面環境(その1)みえない川と谷への意識
- 会員の広場 森のつぶやき
- 地すべり調査・研究 : 20世紀から21世紀へ
- 土砂災害の予知と対策 : 3. 地すべり
- 斜面環境2000
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- On the Measurement of Stress-Distribution on Landslide Slope