Effects of the buried valley on landslide:A consideration on the landslide at Kuranami, Nagano city
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In the Kuranami district, the layer of pyroclastic rock in the upper part of Kuranami has been slided by repeated madflows and landslides, to bury old valleys with talus deposits and to form a large-scale buried valley.<BR>Aspects and transition of the sliding area have their delicate differences according to the landslides occurring adjacent to the upper or lower part of the buried valleys . These delicate differences of landslides seem to be ascribed to the flowing behavior of groundwater affected by border planes or discontinuous planes between the buried valleys and their surrounding rock formations . Based on the data obtained from the electrical surveying method, the elastic wave method and the boring survey, the structure of the buried valleys is discussed along with the relation between the buried valleys and the characteristics of landslides.
- 社団法人 日本地すべり学会の論文
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- Effects of the buried valley on landslide:A consideration on the landslide at Kuranami, Nagano city
- Effects of the buried valley on landslide:A consideration on the landslide at Kuranami, Nagano city
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- タイトル無し