- 論文の詳細を見る
To estimate environmental assimilation to the tropical climate for Okinawan residents, a comparative study was made on the hunting reactions of native Okinawans and immigrants from the mainland of Japan. Twenty-eight healthy immigrating subjects and 26 Okinawan controls were used for this study. The hunting reactions were performed twice in different periods under extreme climatic conditions, and measurements were made for pairs of an Okinawan and an immigrating subject. For ordinary procedures, the thermister was applied to the dorsal surface of the right middle finger, and continuous recording of local skin temperatures was followed for five minutes until they stabilized, then the finger was immersed in 0°C water, and the temperature fluctuation was recorded for 30 minutes on an EH-300 continuous temperature recorder. Through the data obtained, each component of the hunting reaction was calculated by Nakamuras method as the mean skin temperature (M.S.T.), the temperature at the first rise (T.F.R.), the time by the rise in temperature (T.T.R.), the amplitude of the temperature reaction (A.T.) and the resistance index (R.I.).For the M.S.T., differences were greater for the immigrants than for the Okinawans throughout these two experiments: the mean values of the summer experiment particularly were higher than those of the winter experiment for each group. High T.F.R. levels existed for Okinawans in both experiments. Higher levels were maintained in the summer experiment than in the winter experiment for both groups. Retardation of T.T.R. existed for Okinawans, but the time was shorter in the summer experiment for both groups. For the A. T., the immigrants had high levels in both experiments, but they were more prominent in the winter experiment. The reverse effect was found for Okinawans with higher values in the summer experiment. The resistance index was dominant for the immigrants in both experiments. Cummulative results also showed the same tendency with the significant difference between them. Although the results of the hunting reactions altered with environmental temperatures according to seasonal changes, almost all the data were more dominant for the immigrants than for the Okinawans.Evaluation of the correlations between the years of residence of the immigrants and the change in each component of the hunting reaction showed significant correlation for the M.S.T., T.F.R. and R.I. in the summer experiment, but no correlation was found between in the winter experiment. Observations of immigrants with up to four years of residence did not confirm that the mainland group showed improved assimilation to the tropical climate of Okinawa.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
池田 高士
平田 文夫
赤松 隆
湯川 幸一
平良 勉
赤松 隆
井上 範江
古見 耕一
池鯉鮒 治明
石原 結美
赤松 隆
湯川 幸一
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