採苗漁村 : 高知県宿毛湾岸を例として
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Marine Farming is one of the unique type fisheries latest in Japan. It requires much trouble, for instance, rational management by scientific concern, and steady administration by long-dated planning, so it is of different from other fisheries. It is known that some sorts of marine farmings are the most adequate remedies for retardating coastal villages. Above all, pearl culture, which was begun by K. Mikimoto and others at Ago Bay about 1900, and yellow-tail fish (hamachi) culture, begun by W. Noami at Ado-ike about 1950, are diffusing very rapidly all over western Japan, to some inlets, peninsula-sides, island-sides, rias-coasts or shallow seas.In the process of production, it is able to be pointed out very special case in these two sorts of marine farming, namely, they have divisions of labours in their farming stages. By the case of pearl culture, there are several fishing-farms by its culturing stages as followings; fishing-farms of mother-shell culture, of nuclei operation and of pearl wrapping. Yellow-tail fish culture also needs some fishing-grounds. And according to these farming stages, it comes into existence of so called “fishing villages, specialized for seed collecting”.Akoya-shell, the mother shell of pearl, spawns at warm sea which amounts to 15°C in early May to middle August. Larvae of the shells, after floating few days, attach to some solid body on shallow sea bottom, then, if there are some hanging things in middle stratum to which larvae may attach, these things become instruments of collecting them. At Ago Bay, formerly, empty shells of oysters were the most popular instruments, but now-a-days, twigs of cryptomeria are the best collecters especially at Sukumo Bay. These larvae of Akoya-shells are seeds for pearl culturing.Yellow-tail spawns by 19°C at Kuroshio current on May or June. Infant fish called “mojako” flows with seaweeds. From Kagoshima to Wakayama spreads the best fishing-grounds of mojako with a distribution of such floating seaweeds, which are so called “nagare-mo”. These infant fishes are seeds for yellow-tail fish culturing.Sukumo Bay is a large bay locating south-western end of Shikoku. Temperature of water along this district is so high owing to Kuroshio current, as to fit to fishing-farm of pearl and yellow-tail. On 1903, one of the oldest pearl culturers established his management on this bay. Year by year, especially after the second world war, increases its number arround the bay, but almost all of them are not so big managements without Takashima Pearl, Kitamura Pearl and Tazaki Pearl. The other side, yellow-tail fish culturers established their managements from 1961, here. Among them, the biggest one who came from Kochi rented a fishing-ground at Naigainoura, but without him, there is no company of yellow-tail culturing.Arround the bay, several villages locate on every small branch inlets. There are six fishing-guilds which belongs to Sukumo City, are standing on this coast, namely, from south to north, Sakaki, Kozukushi, Omi, Naigainoura, Sukumo and Mokuzu. Fishermen of these fishing-guilds are engaged in collecting seeds for two sorts of marine farmings. Plenty of seeds of pearl are found at Naigainoura and Sukumo, but price is not constant, and sometimes one can get very much money by price-raising, but more often one may be beaten down. Mother shell culturers from Ehime buy the best seeds here, and second class seeds remain here. The former is named Ehime-shell, and the latter, not so good one, is so called Sukumo-shell. As to Yellow-tail, there is another problem according to fishery law. Surrounding nets for mojako fishing are engaged only by permission.
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