声帯の成長, 発達と老化-特に層構造の加齢的変化
- 論文の詳細を見る
122 human larynges obtained from autopsy were macroscopically and histopathologically studied. The following results were obtained.<BR>1. The length of the vocal fold was 2.5-3 mm in newborns. It increased with the age up to 20 years. In adults, the vocal fold length was 15-21 mm in males and 10-15 mm in females.<BR>2. The length of the membraneous portion was 1.3-2 mm in newborns. It also increased with age up to 20 years. In adults, the length of the membraneous portion was 12-18 mm in males and 8-12 mm in females.<BR>3. The thickness of the mucosa was 0.75-0.95 mm in newborns. It slightly increased with the age.<BR>4. There was no ligament in newborns. There were only immature maculae flavae. An immature ligamentous structure appeared at the eges of 1 to 4. Differentiations of the two in the ligament, i.e. the layer of elastic fibers and that of collagen fibers, occured at the age of 6 to 12. The vocal ligament appeared to become mature before 20 years of age.<BR>5. With aging, the superficial layer of the lamina propria thickened with edema. The intermediate layer thinned because of the atrophy of the elastic fibers. The deep layer thickened due to a fibrotic increase of the collagenous fibers.
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