- 論文の詳細を見る
This study investigated the acoustical characteristics of hypernasality in children for a quantitative evaluation.<BR>The subjects consisted of an experimental group of 39 children with repaired cleft lips or palates and congenital velopharyngeal incompetence, and a control group of 152 normal children. Ages ranged from 4 to 8.<BR>The materials consisted of 5 Japanese vowels. Speech therapists were requested to make auditory evaluations of the utterances of the pathological group in terms of degree of hypernasality using three level rating scale: severe, mild and absent. The isolated vowels /i/ uttered by the subjects were analyzed acoustically by cepstrum analysis. Measurement was made of the absolute value of the regression coefficient of the regression line for the spectrum envelope (=the slope of spectrum envelope) of certain bands.<BR>Significant differences were found between the following groups:<BR>1) The control group and the group judged to have severe hypernasality (p<0.01) .<BR>2) The control group and the group judged to have mild hypernasality (p<0.05) .<BR>3) The groups which were judged to have severe hypernasality, and that in which judged hypernasality was judged absent (p<0.01) .<BR>4) The groups which were judged to have severe and mild hypernasality, and that in which hypernasality was judged absent (p<0.05) .
- 日本音声言語医学会の論文
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- 口蓋裂幼児における鼻咽腔閉鎖機能の診断
- タイトル無し
- 英語のリズムと第二言語教育への応用
- 小児の開鼻声の定量的評価
- A Survey on Speech-Language Management of Cleft Palate Patients