- 論文の詳細を見る
Touching water is one of the key elements composing ones feeling of water-familiarity within riparian spaces. The objective of this study is to clarify the spatial factors affecting the behaviors of those who touch river water on three fixed weirs, Daiju-zeki, Hata-zeki, and Ichinoi-zeki. 285 sets of behaviors and spaces observed on the sites were classified into 6 groups. In each set, the relationships among the human body, the touched water and the surface of weir were analyzed. The accessibility from the river sides to those touching points was also analyzed. The results were compared among the three weirs in order to finding similarities and differences. It turned out that the levels of both surface and bottom of the river to the weir surface, and the sectional forms of the weirs were the spatial factors affecting the touching water behaviors. The points for utilizing and maintaining the weirs as water-familiar spaces were presented based on the outcomes.
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