- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study were compared three different management type sandy coast , and considered as subjects for appropriate recreational use management on Ishikari coast, Hokkaido. 1,000 questionnaire surveys were distributed on the site and 375 were returned back by mail. The purposes of the visitors, and also their attributes, were different in regard to the management type of the coast. The park users were elder and were interested in conservation of coastal plants. Although the beach users should have paid for parking lots, they had complained about insufficient facilities and their maintenance. The non-managed beach users had various purposes, like swimming, camping, fishing, ATV and PWC riding, but such purposes had caused conflict between users, and had significantly higher points of awareness of the issues such as leaving garbage, human waste, and annoyed other visitors. As a result of this research it may be concluded that strict rules and regulations are needed for non-managed beaches for sustainable recreational use. It can also be suggested that the collection of entrance fees or parking charge at non-managed beaches will work effectively towards user management. Coastal managers should develop sustainable management strategy and preserve the coasts for the future generations.
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