- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, we investigated user consciousness and its relationship with maintenance and administration in Hyogo Prefectures ownership system of SATOYAMA. Our purpose was to determine what types of administration are effective at improving the management of SATOYAMA coppice forests in this system. We investigated the felling ratio of shrubs, management facilities, and the use of classes, interchange events and other activities in each implementation district of the SATOYAMA coppice forests to analyze what was being done in the management districts that were making progress. We investigated 115 participants in 8 districts. As a result, we identified cooperative management of SATOYAMA coppice forests in two of the eight districts. In the administration of those two districts, the shrub maintenance standards were higher than in others because cooperative SATOYAMA management is enjoyed by the users. Thus, their management knowledge and the frequency of felling shrubs increase. From these results, we determined that cooperative management is one effective administration technique that stimulates users to manage SATOYAMA coppice forests, and this contributes to the conservation of SATOYAMA.
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